Monthly Archives: August 2012

Tips about the tip

The inspiration for this blog post came from a voice I keep hearing in my head.
It’s a male voice and I imagine a lot of women have heard such a voice when its time to get down with the get down.
Usually said with a dose of heavy breathing, maybe some strong eyes locked and the sound of persuasion in his voice.
Bodies pressed together and its the moment when the dick either goes in or it doesn’t.

I’m talking about the moment when he says, “lemme just put the tip in…”
It’s a hilarious sentence in my head. It sounds like the most beggy beggy of statements but it pops up nonetheless.
That moment when everything leading up to it has been ten out of ten perfect. The foreplay got him warmed up perfectly and the head probably made him almost cum. Building him up so nicely that the only way to continue would be for him to slide in between her walls with no barrier between.
It’s already known and understood between him and her that when he says “lemme just put the tip in”, its not just the tip he wants to put in.
I mean, come on, how many times has it actually just been the tip that he’s put in?
When someone has fries, and someone says, lemme have one, they don’t take just one do they? No sirreeee… They take a combination of three or four because they know one will not do.
The tip is not enough to quench his curious thirst about how smooth and slick her sugar walls feel. For him to REALLY kill the curiosity cat, he’d have to taste a few strokes. Maybe a couple more strokes. And a few more after that.
Out the window goes unplanned pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and morals.
At that moment, all he wants is to feel.
So is the power of a woman’s vagina that no sloppy head or rubbing the dick against your clit will do.
All he wants is to be inside you.

The offer is just the tip..  but in his mind, he is thinking that if he can get the tip in, then he can convince you to let him stay there once he’s got a few strokes going.
Strokes that you will like enough to let him stay there.

Any woman reading this, maybe you’ve been there. You’ve heard him say that sentence, which comes in many variations, and maybe you let him.
Maybe you felt the tip and THEN some slip in. Maybe it felt nice. Real nice.
That damn tip.
Ever asked him to take it out after a few strokes more than the tip?
He wasn’t a happy camper was he?
Nope, because, to him, it wasn’t the plan to just put the tip in.
He wanted more than the tip all along. So you asking him to vacate the party absolutely pissed him off.
He’s thinking, “well you already let me in for free, why ask me to leave now? I’m already here.”
Tell a man to pull out and he’ll probably say something along the lines of, “c’mon babe, just lemme stay here for a second”, “I won’t cum I promise” or “I’m already here…”
The classic is to continue to convince you with some well placed strokes that, he hopes, will reach that part of your pussy that controls your decision-making and you change your mind like, “well that last stroke DID feel good, okay then, stay for the rest of the party.”

Regardless of if he’s just met you or you’ve been seeing him for a while or if your in a relationship and its the first time you’ve had sex, he’s been sizing you up the whole time, wondering if he can get away with throwing the request in and getting away with it.
It’s like the episode of Friends when Chandler took Joey to view Richard’s apartment. (Richard being Monica’s ex.) When they got there, Chandler found a tape with Monica’s name on it and he and Joey assumed it was a sex tape. And what did Joey say?
“If a woman says yes to being taped, she’s not gonna say no to much else.”

That is the thinking of a man that says, “lemme put the tip in…”
He hopes his dick, unsheathed and strong, will convince you that the tip is worth it. And if he can get you to come round to seeing things his way, you won’t say no to much else.

This isn’t a post that is judging anyone who DOES let him leave the tip in. I know dick can be a convincing sunnuvabiscuiteater when its ready.
And he’s hoping that he has the slick power of an Apprentice winner to convince you, with his dick, that, behind the tip, is the width and girth of a good dick that will feel amazing.

The hope of the tip is the hope of a man being able to charm a woman enough that her choices and decisions to NEVER let a man put the tip in get thrown out the window.
Trust me, ask any man who’s put the tip in and I’ll bet you he put more than the tip in. And he felt like the BAWSE afterwards.

The tip is not just about getting someone, who may already disagree, to agree to unprotected sex.
It’s about being able to be charming enough, smooth enough, that damn slick enough to break her down enough that she becomes so embroiled in the moment that she let’s you.
There’s an element of power shifting going on when they decision is made by a woman.
Once she’s made that decision, tip in or no tip in, he knows whether he’s GOT you or not.
A woman has all the power in the world when that choice comes up.
Believe me, tell a man he can’t put the tip in and watch him deflate. Not physically but it’ll mean to him that he wasn’t slick enough to make you change your mind.
It’s a slap to his ego.

For some men, agreeing to the tip means every sexual encounter you have from then on, he won’t have to ask. He’ll just come to the party without having to ask. It’ll be expected.

The tip is an unspoken power struggle between a man and a woman.
But, don’t think the tip JUST means the tip.

It’s SoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo much more than that.

Mr Oh

Little Black Book – the trilogy – by Mr Oh

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