Tag Archives: talk

You can’t hear me but you feel me…

Now we all know that we like a bit of dirty talk here and there to set the mood, keep it bubbling and scratch an itch that lil bit more.
We love to hear it, we love to speak it, we love the way it makes us feel, we love how it creeps up and down our spines, the way it sneaks into our ears and can change the sex game from something of nothing to something of the best thing.
But this blog isn’t about dirty talk in it’s original, loud shouting, high pitched screaming format, oh no no no, I’m coming at this one from a different angle.
Or maybe a quieter angle.

See, I’m on about that talk.
Not just THAT talk, I mean that talk.

Talk that’s produced during some waist grabbing, hard hip spinning, dip low and draw it in movements of nakedness between you and your respective other.
Movements and actions that inspire you to start saying shit. Some shit that you are not necessarily saying to the other person, you are just saying it.
And it makes you feel real damn good to say it.

But what is it your saying?!

Only you know…

You know what it is you say when you say what you say under your breath in a tone that is damn near a whisper. You, as the pleasure taker, may hear it in a passing whisper, as a quiet something that you actually have to ask, ‘did you say something?’
You don’t necessarily know what is being said and they are not really saying it for you to hear.
They just want to say it.
You are looking down at that body in front of you and you can see it vibrating from the things your doing and the person’s head is thrashing left to right and your lording over them and, for some reason, under your breath, you feel the need to say something like “yeah, your gonna TAKE this shit whether you like it or not.”

The talk that people seem to throw out in these situations is usually the type of things that they don’t want their respective other to hear.
You may have your lady in some leg scissors move that has her reaching for the sheets, looking for a way out of the position but she has no where to go. And she’s struggling, and she’s squirming and she is tapping out and she’s biting her lip and all that jazz.
Then just as she is in the middle of her wail, he looks down at her like, “yeah, that’s right bitch, take this dick.”


He could be the most respective, open the door, pays for every meal, always makes you come first kinda dude but his mouth lost control and he said some out of nowhere shit like that.
Don’t be mad at him; he didn’t necessarily mean it like that. It was just a natural response.
But it made him feel good to say it. He might of tried to drop it, hoping you’ll respond. (This is used as a check point for him to find out if he can get away with saying certain things. This is where he’ll start off quietly and if he says it louder the next time and you don’t say anything, he’ll feel the freedom to break it out.)

As the person who may possibly hear such things, you do wonder if in fact you heard what you heard… but if its said in the right tone, it spurs you on.
Because you know the person didn’t mean for you to hear it. In fact its mainly said for their own benefit…
They like the sound of it in their own head.
Maybe they are giving themselves instructions on how to keep you making those tap out sounds.
Either way, let ’em go with it.

It’s not being done in an offensive way or meaning to be disrespectful in any way, shape or form… it’s just words being fed by a physical feeling.
Sometimes you can hear your partner saying nothing but loving, appreciative, beautiful things under their breath because of the things that your doing. And you hear them and you feel like, ‘awwwww, my loving is making their mouth sweet’.
But, really, to make your partner curse all raw hardcore like Quick Draw McGraw has to be the better reward.
For me, there is nothing more appreciative of a good sex game than your partner cursing you the FUCK out.
When I say cursing you out, I mean, like REALLY calling you some offensive shit that, had they said it in a normal argument, you’d wanna fight.
But then, there is nothing more EXCITING than giving someone that good feeling that makes them groan some real deep shit.

Some examples of things that are said under the breath of men and women during a righteous rogering session include:

You’re gonna TAKE this!
You like that don’t you?
Take THAT!
You ARE a dirty little fucker aren’t you?
How do I taste?
MAKE me come with your dirty fuck face
Oh your GONNA make me SPRAY you

And many many more… what are your under the breath favourites?

If you’ve ever had that loving put on you that has made you feel the need to talk under your breath and say some shit that your partner may not wanna hear or appreciate, then you are well aware of the power of such loving.
You know how it feels to THINK you heard something or watch your partner LITERALLY talk to themselves when its that good.
Because it’s really THAT good.

It’s not a complaint, in fact, I implore you to do it more.
Talk that thang, say that madness, make it sound the way you want.
Say it loud, don’t give a fuck… make it work for ya…
It’s only a lower verbal representation of how good it feels to ya.
If you feel THAT good, let ’em hear ya…

By Mr Oh

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I should stop answering to you

How many times have you been a victim to this anytime figure?

You may have looked at the situation like, ‘no way, not again’ then before you knew it, you were face down ass up and confused as a mofo! Or behind the ass up thinking, ‘I swear I said no’.

Men and women both own the power of it, you cannot explain it, understand it or figure it out… but you are willing to go back for it…
Sheeeeet, you’ve taken roadtrips for it…

Worst of all, you’ve turned into a cheater for it!

This is one of the most powerful motherfuckers in all of sex.
And when you find it, you may not want to give it up, you may not want to taste it after the first sip… but your GONNA…
Aren’t ya?

This is a blog post dedicated to the sexiest of all sexy asses.
You know who you are you moral-less, need it when you need it, insatiable beings of pleasure you!

When you meet this type of person, you find yourself making questionable decisions, your morals and pre-made decisions go right out the window and things you previously said you would never do are getting done.
This is what that person does.
I will put down a free copy of one of my books that you either know someone like that NOW, you met someone like that, you deleted someone off ya phone like that or you’re being done by that person right now.

But who are they?!

THEY are the itch scratchers, the back rubbers, the thigh biters and the neck massagers… they are ready at any time, they ALWAYS know how to make you smile (whether up above or down below) and, most importantly, they don’t care if you have a partner or not.
That’s what they do.
They are trying to be that distraction in your life in order to deliver one thing and one thing only… a nut for you! (And for them obviously… they don’t pop up just to ‘cuddle’… unless that’s how you leave ’em after YOU come.)

But they will not stop until you come.
Because that’s what they wanna do. And you know that’s what they do!
That’s why you’re making questionable decisions about them in order to have them in your general vicinity.
There is something about the way they hold your dick when its time for the get down, or there is something so sloppy about her head game that you can’t stop thinking about them… or stop them from calling.
Even if you are in a situation where you are not supposed to be calling or entertaining these people, they STILL manage to get through to you.
But they know that.
They know that they can start a conversation talking about your partner and by the end of the conversation, have you planning your next hook-up.

Don’t play dumb, it’s only you and me here… you don’t have to say it out loud but you might remember their name.
You’ve been there… you may not tell ya closest friends about it… but you’ve done it! (If you haven’t good for you….)

You’ve told a lie to someone and made plans. You’ve made sure that there is no scope for anyone popping round on a random visit thing. You were asked about a message and you made up some random lie saying it was from a friend when really it wasn’t. You just want what you want!
That’s why you’ve set up this little tryst…
For some reason, there is something they do that you just cannot get enough of, nor can you find a way to get your current partner to do you the same way.

There is a certain power in BEING that person who makes the phone call to the person that you probably know you’re not supposed to be calling. They know your not supposed to be calling… but just the fact that they answered means they know but don’t care.
That’s the power you wield as the caller.
What that does, as the person who is misbehaving and receiving the call, is fuels you and your memories and the last time you had that person inside you. And the urge to have them again takes over and before you know it, someone has their legs in their air, moaning in a way that silently says, “Why don’t THEY make me feel like this?”

If you haven’t met this person in your lifetime then maybe you’ve BEEN that person.
OoOoOoOo… if you have then you KNOW what I’m talking about.

There is something in the way that they walk, the way they move, the way they look at you, the way they touch you that makes you wanna do something you know good and damn well your not supposed to be doing.
It’s not even like things are wrong in ya relationship to push you into the arms of another, it’s just the way they do SOMETHING!
Maybe it’s their eyes…

Who knows…

But we know they exist… they are the naughty people in the back who always know how to press THAT freaking button. The button that makes you do something you KNOW is damn wrong… but DAMN they make it feel good don’t they?!

These DANGEROUS motherfuckers aren’t concerned about your relationship or whatever you got going on. They don’t care about your mama or your job, your recent weight gain, or the ‘tell me about ya day and that bitch at work’ game… they just care about getting that nut… and giving you that nut!
And you want that nut don’t ya?!

Because you remember how the postman/woman delivers… everytime.

It IS possible to ignore these people, to tell these people no, to fight the moisture or the erection growing between ya thighs. It IS doable… because you have morals and standards and you’ve decided that if you are in a relationship then there is no sex out there that can change that.
It WILL always try, tagged to the end of a slick voiced, smooth talking, sloppy speaking, sexual favours offering, dirty thinking, filthy minded person, but you just hold on strong!

Don’t listen to them.
Don’t pay them any attention.
Don’t give ’em any time.
Don’t even look at ’em in the eye.
Because they are slick…
They’ve got John Blaze shit!
And they know how to use it…

It’s what they do…

So watch ya back…
Someone out there is looking at you or has just seen you after a long time and is planning to call ya…

So hide ya wife, hide ya husband, hide ya mistress, because those sexy motherfuckers are gonna be fucking everything round hurr…

Mr Oh

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Questions for GROWN freaks

Where did you put it?

How much did you like it?

Does the dick feel as good this time as it did last time?

Have you ever been horny enough to fuck on ya period?

When was the last time you recorded yourself having sex?

What’s the most number of times you’ve had an orgasm in one session?

Do you prefer soft lips on the clit or strong ones?

What IS the best way to suck a dick?

After a woman has come why does she HATE the man? (Usually when she’s rolled up in the foetal position.)

How do you treat the gooch?

Do you like it SoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo wet that your slightly embarrassed to request it?

When was your last tit wank and pearl necklace?

Have you ever been blessed by a submissive pussy eater?

Has the right touch on your neck and a clever lick on your nipples ever made you have an orgasm?

Clit only, clit mixed with a finger or tongue hole only?

Where is the most interesting place you have had sex this year?

Can you NOT come and feel like you still knocked the pussy out?

Have you ever been forced to MAKE her suck your dick?

What is it about having someone looking down at you and making you do that damn thang that is just so damn alluring?

Do you let them watch you come?

Do you know what the rabbit ears are for?

Can you look in my eyes and see what I want to go down?

When was the last time you kissed and licked the back of her knees?

Where do you put your hands when it’s time to kiss?

Ever watched her do her the way she does her when it’s just her doing her?

How long can you hold a dick in your throat without the gag reflex kicking in?

Who started it?

Are you just an enabler for good sex?

Does she come in the five Oh’s (pre-foreplay, foreplay, oral, intercourse, post-foreplay)?

Please don’t say you are one of those women who has never had an orgasm?

Do you swallow or do you like to play with it… or even have it decorate your face?

Does anal just do it for you?

How well can you work a Rampant Rabbit?

Can you take a dick dog?

Do you wanna be a dirty bitch or a filthy fucking bitch tonight?

If a massage is requested, is it understood that both of you will be naked?

Are you really embarrassed that you fucked on the first date?

Does the music you play help you to fantasise about someone else?

Have you ever worn either pair of Japanese Rain Goggles?

Could you cuckold?

Who’s that person who you’d LOVE to fuck but you’re SooOoOoOoOo not allowed?

Would you let her trib on your thigh?

Sitting in his lap, can you take the dick and spin on it 360 degrees?

What is the best song to come to?

Ever had a man’s words take your clothes off?

If you’ve had a 3some and still seek a challenge, what’s next?

Do you like to fuck with the windows open or as loud as you can, just so the neighbours can hear?

Are you an expert with a dildo?

How filthy is your mouth when you talk that shit?

Are you aware that your mouth has been watched for a long time?

If yo mama was down, you know we’d end up on Maury right?

What’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever used to have an orgasm?

Ever had a blowjob while doing a handstand?

Do you put a condom on and go instantly soft?

Are you fucking to your full potential?

Do you wish your soft man to be more rough with you and your rough man to be a little more gentle?

Is she so fine that you can’t imagine desecrating her with the depraved thoughts that are running through your mind right now?

Can you REALLY handle the wok?

Have you shown your partner what you’re capable of?

Does it feel good or are you just settling because there are no more options around at the moment?

When was the last time you had your mind turned on?

Ever got so into it you let them spit in your mouth?

Do you use the two handle twist and turn method (Supahead)?

Ever thought about sneaking a finger into his ass?

Isn’t the sight of a woman ass up, face down just so damn come-enducing?

The more she talks, the more you want to please, right?

Is there a questionable picture in your phone or email right now that you look at as a reminder?

All you want is one night, not too much to ask for is it?

If he had the right keys, he could make you do all types of nasty shit couldn’t he?

Ever been dick slapped?

Has a kiss ever given you an erection?

Ever had sex somewhere your parents have sat on, eaten on, slept in or bathed in?

Can you really deepthroat or do you just gag?

Do you interlock fingers?

Are you eating her pussy the way she wants? Are you SURE?

Ever been doing something to someone so well they call you a “dirty fucker” and mean it?

You know exactly what you’re doing don’t you?


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Wet talk

Kick me, punch me, pull my hair, make me feel like I am there…

Slap me, pinch me, nibble my bits, don’t be scared to do that shit…

I don’t know about you but I am a major, serious fan of being able to have someone get REAL rude and disrespectful. Preferably while sitting on my face, because that is the way to REALLY get it in… but, the position is optional.

I’m referring to being TOLD or being able to TELL someone.

Being able to release your creative dirty mouth.

Letting it all hang out.

In this day and age, folks are STILL not fucking with the plug off their mouths. Some are still censoring themselves in their minds, not being comfortable enough in their own skin to let their true voice out, not trusting that your partner will understand when you call them a “chocolate fucker” and why.

That’s because some people aren’t ready to go there, some people aren’t ready to open their mouth and let the words just FLOW without editing.

A lot of people don’t do this but most folk like to think about what it is they say before they say it. Maybe because they don’t wanna sound like a porn star.

Maybe they won’t be able to control the sound of the laughter that emanates from them as they say, “yeeeeeeeeah, do that shit”.

Maybe they’re not ready to look into your eyes and the WAY you look at them when they say, “you’re a DIRTY fucking bitch aren’t you?” (Especially if that’s too far…)

Dirty talking is not for everyone. If you are one of those people who don’t like a bit of foul language in between the sheets and thighs of your sex, then stay yo ass home, you and your chaperone.

Because if you are coming round here, and you WILL be coming, then you need to be prepared to hear some shit.

People and their comfortability around dirty talk is a sort of limbo, no man’s land.

Either you like it or you don’t.

And if you do like it, you either like it raw hardcore like Quick Draw McGraw or you like a little bit of whispering in a menacing tone.

You CAN like both, but then you would have to know when and where to alternate the voices.

Men are USUALLY relied on to bring the fire in the kitchen when it comes to talking dirty but they are equally relied on to back the heat they promote.

Men LOVE when a woman feels free enough to open her mouth and her mind and say whatever comes out.

Get some good head and tell him, “AAAAH, SUCK MY PUSSY RIGHT YOU FUCKER”

Get some dick from the back and look around and say, “COME ON HARRRRDER YOU BITCH”

Be looking at him through your two legs that are stretched by your head and say, “DICK ME DOWN DEEPER”

Anytime a woman can open her mouth and let the TRUTH come out, then you know that you have REALLY gone En Vogue on her and given her something she can feel….


Now, whether you like a deep voiced, constantly speaking, Wesley Pipes type of dude who gives a running commentary on everything you do or a relatively silent, whispering (Ying Yang Twins style) type in your ear as they make your body heat up like gravy cooking down, eitherway, you must know that it’s not always easy for them to open up that way.

Though it’s just opening your mouth and saying how you feel, you have to be able to trust that the person underneath you won’t laugh at you, won’t look at you in a weird way, won’t have a little ‘talk’ with you afterwards about calling them a ‘dirty dick sucker’.

Whichever one you have, make sure you be easy with them.

No doubt it takes a bit of courage to be able to let ya feelings flow and show.

So help ’em out; make some noise, grab some sheets, etc.

With dirty talkers, you have two main types. There are variations of the two and sometimes they intertwine with each other but they are quite different from each other and please one way or another.

I’ll name them after the porn stars who like to use them the most….

The first one is the John E. Depth style of dirty talk…

Now this is the more relaxed, cooler style out of the two. This guy will prefer to be close up and personal with you when he speaks so you KNOW he is speaking to you.

He likes to be all up on ya then say something that you can NEVER say you didn’t hear.

His favourite position is to have you on your stomach. Doggystyle is a probability but that’s only if he can bend OVER you, while inside you, and get all up close and personal.

They PREFER to put you on your stomach… FLAT. Maybe a pillow or two under your stomach so your booty hitches up and out a little bit. (Try that move… it’s a real INNA…)


They will get a good flow going, wait until you start bucking, thrashing, moaning and moving. Once you are moving into the groove, that’s when he will lean forward. So his face is in your hair.

That’s when he will choose to get all deep-voiced and sexy with it as he asks you, “Can you feel me baby? Can you feel me all up in your pussy?”

They don’t like to really project their voice out there and prefer to keep it to a level where only YOU can hear.

That’s how they want it.

They will usually ask you a question or two, like, “Am I deep enough? Is that the spot? You gonna come on my dick?”

They like to ask questions because: 1) they like to know the answer and 2) they like to HEAR how you answer.

It’s best if you CAN’T answer, that means the dick is reaching you in a way where your mouth can’t open.

Generally, the John E. Depth voice is softer on the constitution.

But for the real, GROWLING type, there is…

The Wesley Pipes style…

If you know your porn, then you know that Wesley Pipes is the 12-pound steak of dirty talk. Cuz after you finished with it, you KNOW you’re gonna sleep.

It comes with some rough play, some hair pulling, maybe some spitting, some spanking and waking up in the morning with your hair in disarray and a slight memory of what happened the night before.

When it’s Wesley time, you are doing what you’ve been told!

Plain and simples.

Because Wesley likes it hard, deep, wet, nasty and sloppy.

So when your partner decides its ‘Pipe nite’, you better make sure you find yourself in the right positions when your supposed to, don’t answer back just follow instructions the first time asked.

Wesley Pipes voice excells in any position and will be heard even when your there taking your clothes off, “Yeah, take that shit off… keep them fucking heels on… look at that fat ass, I’m gonna fuck the shit outta that”.

If you have a Wesley Pipes in your life, you know that he or she feels no way about saying whatever comes to his or her mind. They just want the pleasure that you are withholding from them and one way or another, you are WILLING going to give it to them.

A Wesley will fuck you up!

They will sometimes try to pump ya thru the headboard because they REALLY want that hard, deep grind, thumping, dont-fuck-about flow.

Maybe that’s what you want.

Whether you like it Johnny or Wesley style, the good thing is that you are open for it and ready to do it, take it, amplify it or have it whispered in your ear or shouted from the rooftop.

But whatever you do… or don’t like to do… whatever you like to hear or don’t hear…

Just have fun with it…

If you have never had someone talk dirty in your ear, the next time you are face down, ass up call for your partner to spank you and call you a dirty motherfucker… see what they say…

If you’re a guy, you should ESPECIALLY try that and see the look on her face. (That might be a sign ‘cuz if you have a real freak on your hands, she might already be on her hands and knees ready to toss some salad leaves for ya.)


By Mr Oh


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